The transition between Halloween and Xmas has gone from short to nonexistent from when I was a young child. It's not that decorations and talk of turkey was prevalent in the days after we finished the candy, but we were not bombarded with red and green imagery while still in October. It used to be that Black Friday was the thing that substituted Thanksgiving. Judging by advertisements and media chatter, it seems now we stopped caring as much about Black Friday and are being conditioned to celebrate pre-Xmas in November. I understand that Xmas sells and businesses want to exploit that idea as well as the feelings Xmas invokes in consumers. Hanukkah also takes place in December and part of it involves gift giving but for some reason, we don't see nearly as much blue and silver as as the red and green. I don't know or have ever heard of anybody that celebrates Kwanzaa. I don't think Kwanzaa has its own TV special or movie so it too has not yet been pr...