The character of man is such a shiftable thing. Seeing as how the Harvest Moon is tonight, I had to watch The Wolfman earlier today. Ever since I started screening these movies, this one has been calling my name and tonight was the perfect night. I've heard both good and bad reactions to this and the bad are mostly trolls and nerdy fanboys who just don't want to see change and there is no version of this movie that would appease them. This phenomenon has and is still plaguing all of Universal's monster remakes in their Dark Universe. The "fans" who aren't happy are the loudest and get the most attention. On the other hand, if Universal hadn't stopped caring about their monster properties and did something with them prior to these remakes, it might be a different story. It's like having an older cousin that everyone praises but you've never met and then one random day you meet and are expected to get along great. NOt gonna happen....