The second film in this year's Images of Fright Film Festival was Another Wolfcop. Seeing Wolfcop in 2016, I was refreshing in the sense that it was an original take on a werewolf movie that was not afraid to be campy at times. Despite the tagline on the poster above, this sequel was bizarre and disappointing me as a fan. Spoilers below.
It started with an over abundance of sex and fart jokes that really took me out of the movie. Granted, Wolfcop had sex scenes and boobies but for some reason the director thought it would be hilariouuuuuuuuus to keep coming back to these tired tropes throughout the movie. A fourth grader would probably find the first couple times funny and then get worn out by the same joke. Stupid jokes aside, my main issue with this film was it did not respect the intrinsic reality established by the first film.
Basically, some rich mogul named Sydney Swallows creates a beer called Chicken Milk that when drank by people, has the capacity to have a worm/baby Alien/ Boglin hybrid pop put of their abdomen and try to kill them. Picture the chest popping scene from Alien but in the lower abdomen. The first one we see is very phallic, it talks and makes stupid jokes and is named "Willy." Get it? These creatures grow in the bodies of whomever drinks Chicken Milk and then pop put once they are exposed to some sound make by a strobing light toy. Essentially, the plot from Halloween 3 which I posted about in this blog before here. For some reason there is also a robot Frankenstein-like creature that fights Wolf Cop for a little bit and then is destroyed. Such a wasted opportunity to play with this battle concept because the worms were deemed more important. A girl named cat has a moon rock for some weird reason that when taken by Wolf cop like cocaine, heals his injuries. Also, Cat transforms into a big werecat and there is a weird bestiality sex scene between her and human Wolf cop (Lou Garou). In the end, Wolfcop and friends defeat an evil hockey team and Sydney Swallos burns the place down and gets away.
This really is like Halloween 3 where random events just did not pay off in the end and leaves the impression that this should have been its own crappy movie. Kevin Smith also makes a cameo
that feels wasted. Still, Wolfcop's make up is still great but the penis worms look very cheap and stupid. It's a shame this was so bad, I was excited for this sequel and i hope they do not make any more if they will be this weird.
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