Game Over.

I saw  Alien a couple of weeks ago and I thought it was pretty boring, not bad just boring.  I had heard how much better this sequel was so I gave it a chance.  Guess what?  This was also kind of boring to me but not as much... not as much.  It did not move as slow as the original and seemed to have more action sequences.  The effects were good and it;s ab overall better film I think so yes, they were right, this is just as good or in this case, better than the original.  

The Alien Queen looked pretty cool and scary and people died, that was cool.  the gross little alien babies were there too and they all had Alien acid blood.  Side note, imagine if we had those hyperbolic chambers where you could sleep for 57 years and then just wake up.  How refreshed would you feel after a couple decades of sleep?   We need that.  You know what we don't need?  Newt, that annoying little kid who Ripley was trying to protect for osme reason.  I hoped she would have died, it would  have made a more compelling story.  She has one of the most annoying yells I have ever heardand the fact that she yelled so much during this movie made me wish the aliens burned her face off or something.  


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