Don't bury dead. First shoot in head. So far, all of Romero's zombie movies have been enjoyable but I think I missed the boat on Diary of the Dead. I had originally thought this was going to be a sequel to Land of the Dead of any of the other films. Instead, it sees more of a reboot of Night of the Living Dead with nobody knowing about the panic that just started. I am not a fan of the found footage horror movie so this was not the film for me. Granted, the film style preference is a very subjective idea but even taking that aspect out of the picture, it still was not my favorite of the series. The amount of intentional cuts in the film within a film really took me out of the movie. Looks like Romero tried to purposefully slow the pace down of the film which did not work for me. The main characters seem one dimensional and interchangeable. What I did like about the film was ...