I realize there are some things worse than death, and one of them is siting here waiting to die.

I had never seen Zack Snyder's Dawn of the Dead remake or heard much about it.  I definitely knew it existed but purposefully tried to not find out too much about it so I could enjoy it more on the day when I finally got around to watching it.  that day was today, 15 years after it was originally released in theaters, I take my time with things. I saw right away that this is a film where the zombies run.  I'm a zombie purist and like my un-dead like drivers on the 405, slow and dumb.  Still, I didn't let this take away from how I viewed the film. Written by James Gunn, directed by Snyder AND Johnny CASH in the opening credits? Alright, I see you Zack.
I dare say this movie is one of the best remakes to ever see the light of day.  It was different enough from the original but still gave several nods to it via cameos, lines, and imagery.  It also showed something we don't ever see enough of, zombie kids and babies.  The character development is on point, I ended up liking Andy Kaufman's brother in this. This was equal parts suspense and thriller mixed in with horror every now and then.  Out of the main group, you never know who's going to make it or not, but they've got each other and that's a lot for love.  Overall I was pleasantly surprised by how well this film was made.  The ending works because it gives some information away but not a lot.  Seems to me everybody dies based on the images.  Even if they survived, how log was that going to last in a world that is quickly spawning a mindless, greedy hoarde of beings who at every minute try to make you like them?  I think this is why high school is so difficult for a lot of kids. 


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