All of you are very pretty, I love you. The final screening for this year's festival takes us back to a time of endangered teenagers, sloppy gore and nudity: the 80's . The Slumber Party Massacre really lives up to its name and the expectations it suggests. Spoilers ahead. The first half of the movie tries to find that sweet spot of comedic horror while the second half is more of a survival game. It's interesting that a woman wrote the script and another woman directed this movie, pretty rare even today. There are a couple of gratuitous and unnecessary nudity shots in the beginning to probably draw in teenage boys and perverts. There's a shower scene in the girls locker room where the camera very slowly tilts down to a girl's butt, for no reason, the shower scene didn't need to be as long as it was but... you know. I wonder how the writer and director felt about having such a blatantly exploitative scene in the movie, (I...