Was that the Boogeyman?

After watching the original Halloween, I came to the conclusion that the movie would have been way shorter if the characters had cellphones.  It will be interesting to see how they deal with this in the new Halloween which I am watching tomorrow.  Will Michael know how to use a cell phone?  How will this affect his stalking tactics?  On a side note, I noticed that most of the kids went trick or treating while the sun was still out.  I don't know if that is supposed to be an East Coast thing but in all my years of trick or treating, I have NEVER seen kids go out for candy while the sun is still out.  I have only seen this in movies like E.T. and Freaks and Geeks; that's it.  Every time I would see these scenes it would catch me off guard and I would question why the kids were out so early, it seems really boring.  In Halloween, the kids are already out as Laurie and her friends are walking home from school.  This means that the latest they could be leaving school is say 5 pm and kids are already out there going crazy, nah bruh, where's the fun in that?
In any case, I am excited to watch the new Halloween and revisit at least two of these characters and where they are now.  Forty years later, this movie still holds up, pacing wise and everything unlike The Exorcist.  Ohh shots fired.  Pull up Friedkin.


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