Trust Me
The new Halloween movie stands out because it provided me with the best movie viewing experience out of all the other movies in the franchise. The only thing better than the Dolby Surround sound, the Blue Moon and reclinable seats, was the company. As a result, I am unable to write a objective response to the film, at least until I re-watch it. Instead, let's talk about something scarier than Michael Myers stalking victims; interpersonal relationships.
The scary part comes primarily from the uncertainty of the other person's intentions and purposes. Obviously if a person's last relationship was trash or ended badly, this fear is understandable. It seems that learning to trust again, specifically in dating is the biggest obstacle both sexes face. It' seems almost tragic that the most basic and essential concept is the most difficult to regain. Add to that, the fear of what others are going to think when they find out your decision to date a specific person they know. Like in all major decisions in life, this fear of the mob mentality adds unnecessary pressure and stress over a potentially positive decision. The good news is unless your last name is Frankenstein, I promise you, the below will not happen:
While thinking of this "trust/don't trust" dilemma, a particular scene came to mind. Spoiler alert. In the finale of 2010's The Wolfman, Gwen finally meets up with Larry who has now turned into the Wolfman:
She wants to trust him and hopes he's not going to rip her apart when he sees her, she literally leaves herself as vulnerable as possible. The Wolfman then looks closely at her, wondering if he can trust her or should kill her, but he doesn't kill her because he recognizes something in her, something worth saving, and in that moment, they are both afraid though willing, to trust each other...until a crowd shows up and ruins the moment and she is then forced to shoot Larry. The mob does what it does best, it corrupts. Go back and watch the clip and see how willingly vulnerable they both are at the exact same moment and if other people had not gotten involved, things could have gone differently. In every iteration of the early horror movies, the mob either destroys the undeserving or prevents a significant change from occurring. A clear metaphor for nosy and insecure people eagerly waiting to share their unfounded ignorant opinions on something that doesn't really concern them. As my friend Desus always says, "God's working on all of us" and these people would be better off worrying about improving themselves instead of sharing their unwanted opinion in the office or wherever.
I originally was making these points to talk about relationships in general, not to depict my or any specific situation but after writing it, I see some parallels. However, not so much with the crazy mob scenario. Truthfully, I could not care any less what co-workers, friends, family or strangers think of decisions in my personal life and I have the maturity and confidence to know that if I am out dating or at the office, I am able to behave accordingly regardless of the outcome.
The trust issue is universal, and not counting friends and family, there is nothing I want more than to be able to trust another person again so I am careful, because it is worth it. The biggest component of earning that trust for me is overall honesty. My special friend originally stood out because of how honest she can be when she is not worried about how she is presenting herself to the world and also when she is you know, not sending mixed signals. Just like Larry Talbot recognized something in Gwen's eyes in the clip above, talking to her tells me there is something there that is worth staying for. Also, it's a similar situation because I can be scary looking and bite and she is pretty.
Bringing it back to watching Halloween, all the stupid insecurities and thoughts about trust disappeared in that big dark theater, and for that one hour and 46 minutes, it felt normal. In conclusion, I would like to thank Michael Myers for killing all those thoughts in both of our heads. If you ask me, he is a killer with a heart of gold.
I'm going to leave this up to see how long it takes the right people to say something.
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