Annual Thanksgiving Post
Have a great Thanksgiving and please be aware of where and how you seat your guests. Better yet, if you don't like someone, don't invite them over for dinner over some fleeting self serving act of kindness. Although Peppermint Patty took it upon herself to invite herself and her friends, don't be wishy washy and accept it. If the Peanuts kept getting together like this for Thanksgiving up until they were adults and the seating arrangement was the same, I bet the addition of alcohol would make for some interesting conversations. I should write that story. A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving: the 30 Year Reunion. Have it take place in modern day and Linus trades his blanket for a MAGA hat and makes everyone uncomfortable when he starts praying and Lucy is still nowhere to be found. Hopefully in prison for taking away the ball from Charlie Brown and giving him a head injury so he has to keep making the same Thanksgiving dinner every year because he forgets and everyone just plays along, especially Snoopy VI.
Anyway, it is important to give thanks for what we have and how we are doing. Personally, this year I have lost contact with a couple people as I'm sure tends to happen to other kids in their 30's. As unfortunate as it seemed at first, it's a situation that just happens due to the decisions of one or both parties. An unbalanced or negative relationship is unhealthy for anyone and sometimes it is best to let it fester away and die a slow death. Watch them suddenly care the second you stop trying to reach out. More importantly, let us embrace the changes that have happened and be at peace with whatever conclusions or consequences we are at. Sometimes, we get to meet people who seem so special and unexpectedly impact our lives for the better. People who re awaken our true selves from the negative or painful BS we once felt engulfed by. We use our previous learning experiences to care for these new relationships and try to make them last as long as they possibly can while striving to live in the moment and enjoy the feelings that come along with it. For these people and relationships, we are thankful;. That's what Thanksgiving is all about Charlie Brown.
*Also, Halloween came out exactly a month ago.
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