Escape the Undertaker is a fun interactive story on Netflix where the viewer can decide how they want the story to progress through a series of choices with their remote.  Netflix has done these types of stories before, the last one I can remember was Bandersnatch an episode of the popular Black Mirror  series.  They also did a  Carmen Sandiego  episode but I didn't watch that because I'm not a child.  Fine, I didn't watch it because I didn't know it was out until a couple minutes ago when I was doing research for this post.  Regardless,  Escape the Undertaker  is a fun little movie that took me about half an hour to complete based on my choices.  Try it out.

The story deals with  The New Day  consisting of Xavier Woods, Kofi Kingston and Big E as they try to borrow the Undertaker's urn in order to combine it's power with the power of positivity and become more powerful.  The Undertaker is reluctant and then the viewer helps tell the story base don the choices they are given.  For anyone that does not know who the Undertaker or New Day are, please do more fun things in your life.  The Undertaker and New Day are some of the most popular and talented wrestlers in WWE.  Watching this movie as a fan is entertaining but not necessary.  Someone who is not a fan will miss little Eater eggs like Paul Bearer and Isaac Yankem DDS references but will still get to experience and enjoy the story.  Much like the books this "gimmick" is based on, some choices will cause the story to end prematurely and there is a chance to go back and make a different choice.  

This movie is definitely spooky but not really a scary horror movie. It was enough to make it into this year's  Images of Fright Film Festival  because it was released in October and it stars The Undertaker.  Add to that the format of this film and have it also star The New Day, of course this was going to make it.  There are horror elements scattered around the film such as coffins, secret bookcases and other accoutrement typically found in haunted houses but in this case, the haunted house is a big mansion looking home that I want to live in, even if there is a morgue downstairs.  In short, I would recommend this movie as a fun, entertaining story with some of the greatest superstars who don't usually get paired together.  For those wondering, there are no wrestling matches in the movie but a couple wrestling moves are in there along with some spiders and possibly satanic imagery.  Anyway. it is a decent fun movie that was only missing a cameo by Brother Love or Ted Dibiase. Hahahahahaha!   

P.S.  Here is a clip of the debut of the Undertaker.


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